About Sen

“Come, my friends, ‘Tis not too late to seek a newer world”, the poet Alfred Lord Tennyson  (1809-1892) wrote in his poem ‘Ulysses’. The world is full of injustice: poverty, abuse of power, violence and gross exploitation of animals and nature. But there are also encouraging chances to create much better conditions for a happy life. This is what inspires us at the Sen Foundation.

The Sen Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation for research and education in the field of international cooperation. It was established in 2009. Researchers, teachers and students contribute to promoting better global relations. The foundation cooperates with institutions for higher education and official and private organisations for humanitarian aid and international development.


The Sen Foundation for Research and Education in International Cooperation publishes and teaches about various international challenges, such as the alleviation of poverty, prevention of violent conflicts, ways to cope with climate change, assistance to survival migrants, and greater respect for basic human rights.


The Sen Foundation is dedicated to peaceful adjustment of policies to the requirements for a better future, based on non-violent civic action and conflict settlement. It is non-religious and humanist in promoting no particular religion or ideology, other than secular parliamentary democracy and rule of law, in agreement with international human rights treaties.

Amartya Sen

The foundation is named after Amartya Sen (1933), a well-known Indian economist and philosopher who currently teaches at Harvard University. Read more >

Statutes & annual reports

Summary statutes:
Summary statutes

Annual report 2022:
Annual report 2022

Financial report 2022:
Financial report 2022

Policy plan 2023:
Policy Plan 2023

Budget 2023:
Budget 2023