International Day of Non-Violence

On Tuesday, the 2nd of October, the International Day of Non-Violence will be celebrated at the Peace Palace, Carnegieplein 2, The Hague. This program is being organized by Stichting Standbeeld Mahatma Gandhi and is supported by the Municipality of The Hague, Carnegie Foundation & the Embassy of India.

The International Day of Non-Violence is marked on the 2nd October, on the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, the pioneer of the philosophy and strategy of non-violence. Gandhi, who led India to independence, has been the inspiration for non-violent movements for civil rights and social change across the world.

Gandhi’s philosophy of social and political change through non-violent means is as relevant today as it was during his life time. Global conflicts like the one in Syria, Iraq, South Sudan and Afghanistan need to be addressed by non-violent means.

This year, our Director, Mr. Joris J.C. Voorhoeve, who is also the Chair of The Netherlands’ Commission on Peace and Security, Former Co-Chair of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict and Former Minister of Defense of The Netherlands will give a speech on the “Relevance and Effectiveness of Non-violence in Resolving Global Conflicts”. For the full program of the event, please check below.

In order to attend this event, you must confirm your participation by email to the executive secretary Ms. Patricia Christina de Bordes at,  before Sunday, the 23rd of September.


10.00-10.20 hrs: Meet and Greet, tea – coffee
10.20-10.25 hrs: Welcome to the Peace Palace
10.25-10.35 hrs: Welcome and Opening Remarks by Mr. Ram Lakhina – Chairman St. Standbeeld Mahatma Gandhi
10.35-10.50 hrs: “Relevance of Gandhian Philosophy of Non-Violence in Containing Political and  Social Violence in Post Independence India” by H.E. Mr. Venu Rajamony – Ambassador of India
10.50-11.10 hrs: “Relevance and Effectiveness of Non-violence in Resolving Global Conflicts” by Joris J.C. Voorhoeve – Chair of The Netherlands’ Commission on Peace and Security and former Co-Chair of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict, Former Minister of Defense of The Netherlands
11.10-11.20 hrs: Winner Essay Competition
11.20-11.35 hrs: Concluding Address
11.35-12.00 hrs: Musical Recital by Hamid Reza Behzadian (Indian Slide Guitar) & Heiko Dijker
12.00-12.05 hrs: Closing Remarks by Eric Niehe – Former Dutch Ambassador to India
12.05-13.00 hrs: Network Reception