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- Armoedebestrijding
Milleniumdoel 2: Alle kinderen naar school
May 2016Sen FoundationDutchZo luidt Millenniumdoel 2, opgesteld in de Millenniumverklaring van 2000, om wereldwijd voor 2015 de grote problemen op het gebied van onderwijs aan te pakken (NCDO, In ontwikkelingslanden gaan miljoenen kinderen niet naar school. Zij worden thuis gehouden om een bijdrage te leveren aan het gezinsinkomen en het huishouden. Verplicht en toegankelijk basisonderwijs is een belangrijk middel in de strijd tegen armoede. Onderwijs geeft kinderen kennis en hiermee de kans zich verder te ontwikkelen. Zo krijgen zij meer kansen voor de toekomst.
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Alle kinderen naar school - Millenniumdoel 2De rol van multinational in de strijd tegen armoede
May 2013Sen FoundationDutchIn 2010 leefden er wereldwijd 1.2 miljard mensen onder de extreme armoedegrens van 1.25 dollar per dag. Een van de targets van het eerste Millennium Ontwikkelingsdoel, waarin wordt gestreefd naar het eindigen van honger en armoede, betreft het halveren van het aantal mensen ten opzichte van 1990 dat zich onder deze grens bevindt (United Nations, 2013a:6-7). De Millennium Ontwikkelingsdoelen zijn acht doelen die in 2000 door 189 landen zijn aangenomen en die grotendeels in 2015 behaald dienen te worden (United Nations, 2006:26). In delen van Azië worden het eerste Millennium Ontwikkelingsdoel grotendeels behaald. Echter, in Afrika en in de armere landen van Azië is dit niet het geval.
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De rol van multinationals in de strijd tegen armoede De rol van multinationals in de strijd tegen armoede (korte versie)
- Economie en Financiën
Lessons from Ukraine
January 2017University of LeidenEnglishThis study aims to examine the impact of IMF programs in Ukraine during the period between 1994 and 2002. Many questions have been raised about the effectiveness of IMF-backed adjustment programs. Some Ukrainian politicians and academics have been eager to blame the Fund for Ukraine’s transition woes. Actually, the IMF helped Ukraine to limit its severe economic trouble.
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Lessons from UkraineOil Smuggling and the Greek Crisis
August 2014Bridging EuropeEnglishThe report describes how the fuel market works in Greece. It pays special attention to oil smuggling that has become dominant in the Greek economy. The report concludes with measures that should be taken to improve the income of Greece.
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Oil Smuggling and the Greek CrisisThe International Financial Institutions, Human Rights and Private Capture
July 2014Sen FoundationEnglishHow Greater Commitment towards Human Rights Can Contribute to Global Economic Stability?
The financial crisis that erupted 2008 in the United States, spread all across the globe and spilled over into the real economy, has unveiled the extreme volatility and interconnectedness of today’s global economy. Since then, economic experts, accomplished authors and university professors alike have furthered their arguments as to the causes of this event: their analyses range from liquidity floods (Chandrasekhar 2011) to global imbalances (Helleiner 2011b), from excessive risk-taking behaviour of bankers (Lane and Maeland 2011) to ever-growing income inequality (Stiglitz 2012). Together, they paint a complete picture of the state of today’s global economy. At its core, it is one in which private profits and social returns have become increasingly misaligned.
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Human Rights - Private CaptureTax Evasion: Greece’s Jigsaw Puzzle
January 2014Bridging EuropeEnglishCentral aim of the paper is to analyze the reasons why paying taxes in Greece makes someone an “irrational” actor. it presents certain incentives that encourage tax evasion in the country. The first part will briefly document the level of tax evasion in Greece. The second part will list all the stimulants that have prompted the phenomenon of tax evasion in the country. Finally, the report will comment on the words of the former Greece’s Finance Minister, according to which “Greeks are not overtaxed”.
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Tax Evasion- Greece’s Jigsaw PuzzleEen betere belasting op vermogen?
2012‐2014Sen FoundationDutchDit rapport beoogt te onderzoeken of en hoe de belastingheffing op (winst uit) vermogen kan worden verbeterd (lees: verhoogd), met als mogelijk effect dat de fiscale druk op arbeid kan worden verlaagd, ten gunste van werkgelegenheidsgroei.
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- Klimaat en Ecologie
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy – Policy Insights
January 2020Sen FoundationEnglishPolicy efforts currently fall short of all SDG 7 targets. Progress on clean cooking and renewable energy is lagging behind. Progress on electricity and energy efficiency is better, but more efforts are needed to meet the targets. Based on the latest IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 ̊C, energy-related emissions need to be reduced by 3.5% annually until 2050 and continue thereafter. The accelerated deployment of renewable energy, combined with increases in energy access and energy efficiency, can achieve 90% of the energy-related CO2 emissions reductions needed to reach the well-below 2 ̊C aim of the Paris Agreement
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SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy - Policy Insights, by Marijn van ReesSDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy – Current Status
January 2020Sen FoundationEnglishSDG 7 is set out to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.3 According to the UN, energy is central to nearly every major challenge the world faces today. For one thing, the problem of energy is closely connected to the problem of climate change as the energy sector represents by far the largest source of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions that are contributing to global warming.
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SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy - Current Status, by Marijn van ReesHet CO2 probleem – Een paper over het verminderen van CO2 in de atmosfeer
May 2013Sen FoundationDutchDe temperatuur op aarde stijgt de afgelopen decennia gestaag. Deze temperatuurstijging wordt mede veroorzaakt door de uitstoot van broeikasgassen. Door broeikasgassen in de atmosfeer kan de warmte van zonnestralen minder goed worden afgevoerd. De lucht wordt vervuild door verschillende broeikasgassen. Als men het over broeikasgassen heeft zijn koolstofdioxide, methaan, stikstofdioxide en zwaveldioxide de bekendste.
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Het CO2 probleem - Een paper over het verminderen van CO2 in de atmosfeerPlastic soep
January 2014Sen FoundationDutchOceanograaf Charles Moore voer in 1997 met zijn catamaran van Hawaï naar Californië via de golfstroom van de Grote Oceaan. Dit gedeelte van de Grote Oceaan is relatief windstil en wordt daarom door de meeste zeilers gemeden. Moore ontdekt in het oostelijk deel van de golfstroom een fenomeen dat later de naam ‘Great Pacific Garbage Patch’1 zou krijgen, ofwel ‘plastic soep’. Wat hij zag was een enorme hoeveelheid drijvend afval, veelal plastic. In het gebied bleek een enorme plastic soep te drijven, samengesteld uit allerlei soorten afval: visnetten, petflessen, flessendopjes, tandenborstels en ook minuscuul kleine plastic deeltjes die hem, ironisch genoeg, aan minestronesoep deden denken.
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Plastic SoepAlgae Farming
April 2013Sen FoundationEnglishAlgae is not yet a well-known source for the needs of humans. In the last decades however, increasing numbers of people see the advantages of this very versatile organism. Scientists across the world are trying to develop different techniques to use algae for food, fodder, medicine, bio fuel or environmental purification. How can algae help solve the water and food shortage especially in the poorer countries?
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Algae Farming by Tamas Juracsek
- Lezingen en (Media) Artikelen
Speech on the Role of Peace in Advancing Achievement of SDGs
September 2018EnglishConsidering the above context, the International Institute of Governance & Leadership, organized the 2nd Global Governance & Leadership Forum in India on 10th September 2018 at Hotel Taj Mahal Palace, Colaba Mumbai. The theme of the Forum was appropriately chosen to be the ‘Challenges in Global Governance – Collective Governance of the Planet’. Here, our Director and Former Defence Minister of Netherlands & Member of the Global Board of IIGL, Joris Voorhoeve, being an expert on Peace, as he was co-chair of global partnership for the prevention of armed conflict, which is a ‘UN Peace Keeping’ initiative, shared his thoughts on the ‘Role of Peace in advancing achievement of SDGs’.
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Speech on the Role of Peace in Advancing Achievement of SDGs - Joris VoorhoeveReflections on Good Governance
December 2016Sen FoundationEnglishGood governance improves human rights. Full implementation of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights is the highest goal. The UN treaties on human rights specify all. The best system of government is free representative democracy. Illiberal democracy, populist direct democracy, referendum democracy, theocracy and autocracy do not lead to good government.
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Reflections on Good GovernanceVeilige Gebieden? Falen en Slagen bij het Beschermen van Burgers in Oorlog.
2015Atlas ContactDutch and GermanDownload Article
Persbericht-Veilige-GebiedenInsecurity and Common Interests in Security
March 2016OSCEEnglishMuch of what is wrong in our world has a common cause: the abuse of political, economic, military and media power. Full rule of law curbs the perennial inclination of the powerful to abuse the powers entrusted to them. Are governments seeking to serve the well-being of their citizens, or are government leaders seeking less elevated personal goals? Do they restrict or eliminate their critics, upset the international status quo, change borders, or create confrontation, encouraging nationalism to solidify popular support in the short run? The latter approach fuels military expenditure and conflict and harms the long-term interests of countless people.
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Insecurity and Common Interests in SecuritySafe Areas? Failures and Successes in Protecting Civilians in War.
2015Atlas ContactEnglishWhat measures are to be taken by the international community to protect civilians in a war which cannot be ended by an external humanitarian intervention? How to execute more effectively the Responsibility to Protect? This book tries to answer these questions by comparing 15 cases in recent international history. From 1948 till 2014 eight more or less succesfull interventions by the international community stand against 7 serious failures.
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Press-release-Safe-AreasCapabilities and Social Justice
January 2014University of Humanistic StudiesEnglishI have been asked to speak about the new directions of research in the use of the capability perspective in the epistemology of human flourishing and the ethics of public policy making. In a recent book, The Idea of Justice, published in 2009, I have tried to argue that our understanding of the idea of justice and of its conceptual as well as practical implications demands some fairly radical departures from the mainstream theories of human prosperity and of social justice that are dominant at the present time.
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Capabilities and Social Justice‘Internationale samenwerking is logisch. Dat kan niet anders.’
June 2013TrouwDutchOud-minister Voorhoeve wilgezamenlijke aanpak financiële criminaliteit.
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Bestrijding Financiële CriminaliteitAspecten van anti-internationalisme
December 2010Sen FoundationDutchIn de laatste tien jaar is de vanzelfsprekendheid van steun voor internationale samenwerking in Nederland verdwenen. Dit bleek duidelijk bij de meerderheid van nee-stemmers tegen het referendum over het nieuwe verdrag voor de Europese Unie. Het blijkt ook uit enigszins afnemende steun voor ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Het opvallendst was de opkomst van een electorale “tegenbeweging” die door Pim Fortuyn werd gemobiliseerd en sinds zijn dood door Geert Wilders. In het buitenland verbazen velen zich over de verandering van het beeld van Nederland, dat in de voorgaande decennia zeer internationalistisch was.
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Aspecten van anti-internationalismeEurope’s past and the global future
November 2010When Edmund Burke declared in his Reflections on the Revolution in France, “the glory of Europe is extinguished for ever,” his obituarial note gave very little hint that Europe was, right at that time – in the eighteenth century – ushering in a transformative phase in world history. The European Enlightenment not only changed the institutional structures governing societies and states, it was a gigantic influence in establishing the basic understanding that public reasoning is essential for making societies better. Social improvement through systematic reasoning was a prominent component of the intellectual animation of the European Enlightenment. I will argue that the role of Europe in our troubled world today can be more sure-footed as well as more constructive if greater use is made of that heritage. What emerged firmly in eighteenth century Europe, riding on the back of the European Renaissance earlier, remains deeply relevant and constructive today.
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Europe's past and the global futureOpmerkingen Joris Voorhoeve op de Duits-Nederlandse Conferentie
November 2010Duits-Nederlandse ConferentieDutch and GermanGoed bestuur van een land vereist goed functionerende instellingen en zelfstandig denkende mensen. In Nederland is steeds aangenomen dat aan beide voorwaarden ruim werd voldaan. Maar de onrust over de recente verkiezingen en de kabinetsformatie toont weinig reden voor tevredenheid. Veel commentatoren in binnen- en buitenland en Nederlandse burgers en instellingen zijn bezorgd over de groei van wat losjes rechts populisme wordt genoemd. Wat is dit verschijnsel, wat zijn de oorzaken en mogelijke gevolgen?
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Opm-NedDuitse-Conf-2010-Dutch Opm-NedDuitse-Conf-2010-GermanDevelopment of Global Political Values
December 2008Peace PalaceEnglishGlobal communications encourage global values. The ideal of global values gives us a warm feeling. Growth of common ethics across borders correlates to some extent with economic, cultural, religious and other contacts. But we know from the relations between France, Germany and Great Britain in the 19th century that intensive interchange in commerce, academia, religion, philosophy and the arts does not simply lead to peaceful progress. Violence and war, even irrational mutual destruction, is as much an aspect of internationalisation as feelings of mutual interest and community. The First World War came after many decades of progress and rapid internationalisation.
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Development of Global Political Values60 years Genocide Convention
December 2008International Court of JusticeEnglishThe Genocide Convention of 1948 was a major step towards recognition of the other grounds. All groups of people have a right to live and develop in peace, not be destroyed in war or civil war, or be eliminated by other measures such as starvation. The convention makes those persons aiming at the destruction of such groups punishable under international law. The general concept of crimes against humanity, which played already a key role in the Nuremberg and Tokyo Tribunals, was specified by this convention against the wilful destruction of specific population groups.
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60 years genocide convention
- Migratie en Integratie
Right-wing populism in Dutch border areas
May 2018University of LeidenEnglishIn the last decades, Europe was experiencing a considerable increase of right-wing populist parties. The maps of the electoral results show an intriguing puzzle. Radical right parties were more successful at the border constituencies
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Right-wing populism support in the Dutch national borders by Javid IbadExplaining Germany’s refugee policy change in 2015 in comparison with the Netherlands
April 2017University of LeidenEnglishThis research explores the extent to which Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Framework (MSF) explains the difference in the asylum policy approaches of Germany and the Netherlands during 2015. Both countries had been conducting restrictive asylum policies during the past 20 years. However, in 2015, at the peak of the European refugee crisis, Germany abruptly transformed its approach to refugees into an open-door policy while the Netherlands continued with its restrictive approach. This led to a remarkable difference in the number of asylum seekers both countries received in 2015; a divergence which served as a point of departure for this research. This paper mainly focuses on the case study of Germany’s asylum policy.
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Explaining Germany’s refugee policy change in 2015Integration policies in Europe – A comparison between France and the Netherlands
July 2016University of LeidenEnglishThis thesis is a comparative study between French and Dutch integration models. It attempts to answer the question which model is more effective in integrating immigrants. The period selected for this study is the 1980s and the 1990s, when the French integration model was assimilationist and the Dutch model was multicultural. The results of this thesis are mixed. On the one hand, the French assimilationist integration model seems to enhance the relative participation rate of immigrants, to reduce their relative unemployment rate and to enhance their proficiency in French. On the other hand, the Dutch multicultural integration model seems more effective when measured through the level of education of immigrants, their rate of naturalization and the rate of exogamy. Indeed, on these three indicators, immigrants in the Netherlands score higher. At the end of this thesis, the limitations of this research will be developed.
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Integration policies in Europe
- Overig
De effecten van directe democratie – Een analyse van twee nationale referenda in Nederland
July 2016University of LeidenDutchIn western democracies there are signs of a democratic recession, there is a decline in political participation levels, and there is little trust in governing institutions. In response, a popular remedy that is often proposed by scholars and politicians is direct democracy. As direct democracy allows citizens to directly vote on questions, it is argued that it has the potential to increase the political participation of citizens and decrease political dissatisfaction. The goal of this thesis is to research whether these claimed effects about direct democracy are observed when analysing two national referenda in the Netherlands.
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De effecten van directe democratie - Een analyse van twee nationale referenda in NederlandThe Singaporean Development Model
2014Sen FoundationEnglishSingapore gained full independence in 1965. This young state propelled itself from a considerably poor state with few natural resources into one of the most efficient and rich states on the globe. A centre of industry and education, Singapore can be seen by many as a role model for development. Can Singapore’s success be replicated elsewhere and be used as a new framework for developing countries to employ?
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The Singaporean Development ModelModerne slavernij
Sen FoundationDutchSlavernij bestaat vandaag de dag nog steeds, ondanks de ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ uit 1948 en het aanvullend verdrag uit 1956 inzake de afschaffing van de slavernij en met slavernij vergelijkbare praktijken. Wie zijn de slachtoffers en wat kan er gedaan worden?
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Moderne slavernijAn Index for Measuring Wellbeing: GDP and Beyond
EnglishGross domestic product (GDP) is the most widely used measure of economic activity. In reality, however, things are more complicated. First, prices may not exist for some goods and services. This raises the question of how these services should be valued. Second, even where there are market prices, they may deviate from society’s underlying valuation. In particular, when the consumption or production of particular products affects society as a whole, the price that individuals pay for those products will differ from their value to society at large (Stiglitz, Sen & Fitoussi: 2009). Emphasizing the required shift from measuring economic production to measuring people’s wellbeing, a renewed framework for measuring a country’s performance is needed. This paper proposes an alternative framework for measurement.
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An Index for Measuring Wellbeing: GDP and BeyondJihadisme in Noordelijk Afrika
2012Sen Foundation and Nederlandse Defensie AcademieDutchSinds de jaren negentig zijn op veel plaatsen in de wereld jihadistische terroristische organisaties actief. Zoals bijvoorbeeld in Afghanistan, Irak, Indonesië en Somalië. Niet alleen ver weg, ook in het meer nabije Noord Afrika baart een terroristische organisatie die zichzelf noemt “Al-Qaida in de Islamitische Maghreb” (AQIM), de nodige zorgen. En in het olierijke Nigeria, een dichtbevolkt land op de scheidslijn tussen islam en christendom, lijkt de ideologie van al-Qaida in opkomst met het optreden van de terroristische organisatie “Boko Haram”, die alles wat westers is verwerpelijk vindt.
De voorliggende rapportage bevat de tweede druk van een analyse van twee jihadistische extremistische organisaties en bewegingen in Noordelijk Afrika. De voorbeelden – AQIM en Boko Haram – zijn genomen uit de landen van de Maghreb, de Sahel en het grensgebied tussen islam en christendom.
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Jihadisme in Noordelijk Afrika
- Summer School
Summer School
- Veiligheid
Kleine Wapens: bestaand beleid en kansen voor ontwikkeling
Sen FoundationDutchEr vallen ongeveer 500.000 doden per jaar als gevolg van de wijdverspreide beschikbaarheid van SALW (Small Arms and Light Weapons). Hoewel ze groot zijn, zijn de gevolgen van wapenbezit en handel in westerse landen als Nederland, de VS en Zwitserland niet zo breed als in conflictgebieden: “An estimated 300,000 intentional firearms deaths occur annually from armed conflict. Another 200,000 people are killed in countries that are ‘peaceful’. Millions more suffer lifethreatening injury. Less developed countries generally face higher rates of firearms homicide, while developed countries grapple more with firearm suicides.” (Small Arms Survey, 2001: Executive Summary: Ch 6). Er zijn dus veel onnodige doden die voorkomen kunnen worden door wapenwetgeving en veiligheidsmaatregelen aan te scherpen. Maar wapens worden ook gebruikt met niet dodelijke gevolgen zoals verwonding of brengen sociale schade toe door bedreiging, afpersing en andere vormen van corruptie.
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Kleine Wapens BeleidJihadisme in Noordelijk Afrika
2012Sen Foundation and Nederlandse Defensie AcademieDutchSinds de jaren negentig zijn op veel plaatsen in de wereld jihadistische terroristische organisaties actief. Zoals bijvoorbeeld in Afghanistan, Irak, Indonesië en Somalië. Niet alleen ver weg, ook in het meer nabije Noord Afrika baart een terroristische organisatie die zichzelf noemt “Al-Qaida in de Islamitische Maghreb” (AQIM), de nodige zorgen. En in het olierijke Nigeria, een dichtbevolkt land op de scheidslijn tussen islam en christendom, lijkt de ideologie van al-Qaida in opkomst met het optreden van de terroristische organisatie “Boko Haram”, die alles wat westers is verwerpelijk vindt.
De voorliggende rapportage bevat de tweede druk van een analyse van twee jihadistische extremistische organisaties en bewegingen in Noordelijk Afrika. De voorbeelden – AQIM en Boko Haram – zijn genomen uit de landen van de Maghreb, de Sahel en het grensgebied tussen islam en christendom.
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Jihadisme in Noordelijk Afrika
- Vredesopbouw en conflictpreventie
Building Peace
March 2018EnglishThis file contains the content from the Building Peace Symposium.
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Building PeaceKosovo – A study in Peacebuilding after Secession and the Role of External Actors
June 2017University of LeidenEnglishSince the end of the conflict in 1999 and its unilateral declaration of independence from Serbia, Kosovo has been subject to several international peacekeeping and peacebuilding missions. This thesis looks at what impact external actors can have in the peacebuilding process after secession and to what extent they can accelerate or hinder the process of state-building and developing of institutions. The thesis makes use of a proto-theory which sketches several variables by which one can determine to what extent there is good governance in a state. The conclusion of the research is that external actors have even more influence in Kosovo than was expected, and that this influence is embedded in the institutional design of Kosovo due to the way Kosovo became what it is today.
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Kosovo- A study in Peacebuilding after Secession and the Role of External ActorsThe UN Stand-by High Readiness Brigade
June 2017 University of AmsterdamDutch and GermanDe UN Stand-by High-Readiness Brigade [SHIRBRIG] was een initiatief van Denemarken in 1995 en had ten doel om parate slagkracht te creëren ten bate van Peace Keeping operaties van de Verenigde Naties. De voornaamste aanleiding tot de oprichting van SHIRBRIG was de genocide in Rwanda in 1994. Als permanente standplaats voor een hoofdkwartier wees men de 30 kilometer ten Noorden van Kopenhagen gelegen Garder-kazerne te Høvelte aan.
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The UN Stand-by High Readiness BrigadeSafe Areas? Failures and Successes in Protecting Civilians in War.
2015Atlas Contact PublishersEnglishWhat measures are to be taken by the international community to protect civilians in a war which cannot be ended by an external humanitarian intervention? How to execute more effectively the Responsibility to Protect? This book tries to answer these questions by comparing 15 cases in recent international history. From 1948 till 2014 eight more or less succesfull interventions by the international community stand against 7 serious failures.
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Press release Safe AreasConflict Resolution Vs Conflict Transformation
January 2014Bridging EuropeEnglishThis paper brings up a theoretical debate on conflict resolution and conflict transformation approaches and explains why the second one is deemed more useful in understanding conflicts.
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Conflict Resolution Vs Conflict TransformationRehabilitatie en integratie van oorlogskinderen
May 2013Sen FoundationDutchAmadu is een kindsoldaat. Op 15 jarige leeftijd wordt zijn dorp in Sierra Leone overvallen door het Revolutionary United Front (RUF). Het dorp wordt platgebrand, spullen vernield, mensen vermoord. Het RUF is gekomen om kinderen te rekruteren als soldaten en te vechten tegen de corrupte overheid van de All Peoples Congress (APC). Amadu’s vader wordt voor zijn ogen vermoord. Als Amadu zich niet vrijwillig aansluit bij de RUF zal ook hij vermoord worden. Zonder keuze sluit hij zich aan bij de RUF, waar hij tien jaar lang zal verblijven als kindsoldaat. Als hij op zijn 25e de rebellengroep mag verlaten is zijn dorp verwoest en koestert hij verbitterde gevoelens. Amadu weet niet waar zijn familie is, of zij überhaupt nog in leven zijn. Hij heeft geen opleiding, geen geld, geen huis en weet niet waar hij naartoe moet.
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Rehabilitatie en integratie van oorlogskinderenKleine Wapens: bestaand beleid en kansen voor ontwikkeling
Sen FoundationDutchEr vallen ongeveer 500.000 doden per jaar als gevolg van de wijdverspreide beschikbaarheid van SALW (Small Arms and Light Weapons). Hoewel ze groot zijn, zijn de gevolgen van wapenbezit en handel in westerse landen als Nederland, de VS en Zwitserland niet zo breed als in conflictgebieden: “An estimated 300,000 intentional firearms deaths occur annually from armed conflict. Another 200,000 people are killed in countries that are ‘peaceful’. Millions more suffer lifethreatening injury. Less developed countries generally face higher rates of firearms homicide, while developed countries grapple more with firearm suicides.” (Small Arms Survey, 2001: Executive Summary: Ch 6). Er zijn dus veel onnodige doden die voorkomen kunnen worden door wapenwetgeving en veiligheidsmaatregelen aan te scherpen. Maar wapens worden ook gebruikt met niet dodelijke gevolgen zoals verwonding of brengen sociale schade toe door bedreiging, afpersing en andere vormen van corruptie.
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Kleine Wapens Beleid